Dwarf Goat Claw Cluster: Milker Machine Part/Component Replacement: Teat-cups/Shells with silicone liners and Hoses Fit dwarf to medium sized goats
As pictured: Goat Milking claw cluster: teat-cups and liners:
Clear milk-shell/Teat cups
with matching silicone inflation liners
With ellbow "L" adapter connecting inserts to milk line, short
Come with 4 ft milk line and pulsation line hoses: 4 ft long each
Selct milk hose: PVC or Silicone (+$extra), 4 ft
Come with 4 ft pulsation line hose
Packing List:
The claw cluster: 1 unit.
Comparison of Goat Claw Clusters/Shells/Liners:
We have different sizes of goat teat-cups and cup-end claws plus the L adapter for milk line connections. The combined claw clusters are pictured bellow for comparison to help buyers to get the right cluster according to the goats/sheep you milk. If you get Nigerian or other dwarf goats, use model GCd, GCR or GCC2. Middle sized goats can use any of the goat claw cluster; really large goats can use GCC1, or GCR.